Home » Crafting Success: Your ultimate Minecraft beginner’s survival companion – tips and tricks

Crafting Success: Your ultimate Minecraft beginner’s survival companion – tips and tricks

by Katie Fang
Crafting Success: Your ultimate Minecraft beginner's survival companion – tips and tricks

There isn’t much to say about how popular Minecraft is that hasn’t previously been spoken. And now that it’s available on our smartphones, its fan base has grown even more. When you think of a large open-world classic, the first thing that comes to mind is this survival RPG. Today, we’ve created a step-by-step guide for newbies who wish to experience Minecraft’s perfection but don’t know where to begin.


Minecraft Tricks & Tips

Find and Cut Trees

Almost anything you start crafting requires wood. For novices, we recommend and guide you to find trees and gather wood in Minecraft. Trees are the most prevalent item in the environment and will very certainly be found around your spawn spot. These are divided into six categories:

  • Oak
  • Spruce 
  • Birch 
  • Jungle 
  • Dark Oak 
  • Acacia

You no longer require a specific type; simply cut the closest one.

Craft Planks from the Wood

Once you’ve collected enough wood (at least three), open your inventory by hitting the three small dots at the bottom of your screen. Choose the crafting menu, which is represented by a little brown box on the right side.


Choose one of the four boxes and place the newly cut wood on it. These are turned into four ‘wood planks’ as you can see. These boards will be used in a subsequent step.

Build a Shelter

This is the single most critical aspect of game survival. As you begin your voyage in the world of Minecraft, we recommend that you first build your shelter before doing anything else. Because the game is timed properly. To avoid death during the night, one should be secure from all mobs.

Your first shelter should be constructed of dirt. This is essentially what you’re standing on. Break these blocks by pressing and holding the screen for the proper amount of time, and you will automatically pick them up if they are nearby.

A small 5x4x3 house requires roughly 60 dirt blocks. Anyone with a basic understanding of how to make a hollow box will have no trouble creating this.

Hunt for Food

Food is the most vital aspect in your survival because it replenishes your health and allows you to run. The hungry meter is a little meter next to your health bar. It will have an effect on your health and sprint speed if it is empty.

You must hunt for food in order to stay active and healthy. Many of the animals in the game are harmless and can be killed for meals. Like:

  • Sheep 
  • Cow 
  • Pig 
  • Chicken

There are also methods to stay vegan by surviving on apples discovered on trees or bread taken from chests in surrounding villages.

Make a Crafting Table

A crafting table essentially grants the ability to create products by combining two or more resources of the same or different kind. To build a crafting table, you’ll need:

  • 4 wood planks (of any kind)

As previously instructed, open the crafting menu from the inventory and set these four boards on the four boxes. Insert the crafting table into your inventory.

Craft a Bed

“The night is dark and full of terrors,” as George R. R. Martin put it. When the sun goes down, the mobs, which are creatures that will murder you if they notice you, emerge. The most frequent are:

  • Zombie 
  • Skeleton
  • Spider 
  • Creeper 
  • Enderman

There are numerous different forms of mobs, but for the time being, simply remember to avoid them. Making a bed allows you to fall asleep and skip it at night.

Wool is required to make a bed. The only way to obtain wool is to slaughter a sheep that can be found nearby. Kill three sheep to obtain three wool and three wood planks of any type if you don’t already have them.

Keep Mining

Mining is your primary occupation, as the game’s name suggests, and the game is full with rare resources to discover and caves to conquer. In order of rarity, some of these useful materials are:

  • Stone 
  • Coal 
  • Iron 
  • Emerald 
  • Obsidian
  • Redstone 
  • Lapis Lazuli 
  • Gold 
  • Diamond

The best technique to get started mining is to simply start excavating nearby in a progressive fashion for simple exit and access. To obtain these materials and shorten the digging time, a Pickaxe must be created.

To make a wooden pickaxe (there are other sorts of pickaxes, but they are not important at the time), you will need three wood boards and two sticks. To make a stick, simply join two wooden planks to make four of them.

Craft a door and a torch

These two aren’t required to be crafted, however having them helps a lot to improve and smoothen your shelter.

Mine coal (at least one) and a stick to make a Torch. Fuse them in the crafting table to create a torch. This will allow you to see in dark locations when mining or to lighten up your shelter. 

To make a Door, take 6 wooden planks and fuse them column-wise in the crafting table; this will solve the problem of your shelter’s wall cracking every day.

Locate nearby villages

The game may appear lonely at times, with you being the only one with brains, but the game’s makers have created settlements that sprout randomly on your map.

These villages feature residents who can be very useful if you grasp the game’s trading system well. Here is a brief summary of the different types of Villagers and what you may expect as a bargain from them.

  • Farmer – Will exchange Emeralds for a harvest (wheat, potato, carrot, beetroot, etc.).
  • Cartographer is willing to exchange a map for Emeralds.
  • Librarian – Will accept an enchanted book in exchange for Emeralds and a book.
  • Fisherman will exchange Emeralds for bread Leatherworker will exchange amour for Emeralds
  • Weaponsmith – Will exchange weapons (swords) for emeralds.

Remember that the deals and types of locals found in a village are completely random, so visiting a new village every time is a wonderful tactic. Villages also contain chests inside their houses that can be looted for helpful things.

Travel and Explore

Staying in the same spot as your shelter will become tedious after a few days. Minecraft’s map is nearly seven times larger than our planet’s and should be explored as thoroughly as possible.

In the game, there are many landforms/biomes, including:

  • Plain 
  • Forest 
  • Beach 
  • Snow 
  • Desert

Each has its unique set of rocks and creatures, and changing where you put your shelter will keep the game interesting for you. 

A simple advice for new players is to maintain a portable shelter in your inventory, complete with enough blocks, a door, a bed, and a pair of torches.


Simply following these ten steps will not be sufficient, and in order to truly enjoy the game, one should do what they prefer doing. Whether it’s to gather materials and construct a dream home, or to explore the landscapes and caves in search of treasures and rare resources while fighting the beasts that await them.

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